

This week has been filled with good hang-outs and sad farewells.

Of course, there are benefits to leaving a place. For one, it allows designated time for a sentimental overview of everything that makes up a life. This overview has been an exercise in acknowledging my blessings, while achingly letting them go. This week has made me feel grateful for my family and friends, and this gorgeous foothill region that I will always consider to be my home.

Before flying to Chicago (I am pronouncing it in my head as "chi-KAH-go." I can't help it), I've received words of advice and encouragement from people who love me and hope the best for me. These people, though soon to be far away, are still an integral part of my support and my sanity. Thank God for them.

This is just the beginning of something incredibly awesome.
Do you know how I know?

Because I'm scared.

But, fear is an illusion. Practically regarded, however, fear can be used as a signpost for knowing if you're on a path that's going to lead somewhere interesting. If it isn't scary, or difficult, then it's probably not worth doing. That's not a universal truth, or anything, just a mindset I've found to be helpful for myself--a mindset that has led me to a lot of interesting places, and meetings with fascinating people.

With equal parts fear and exhilaration, and too many questions to know what to ask first, I'm rambling on.

PS: Please feel free to email me, message me on Facebook, see what's happening on my Instagram, Tweet me, or whatever throughout this next year of learning. You're my support, and I'd be honored to hear your feedback. 

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