I'm attempting to move beyond lightning-strike moments with inspiration into a more consistently inspired frame of mind. I wrote this in reply to my new understanding of the accessibility of inspiration. Enjoy!
From my own deep well I draw upon pain to be lonely and hurt for my sadness.
I draw upon love to feel stronger and hope for my gladness.
From my own deep well I draw upon mistakes that have shaped me and time that I've wasted.
I draw upon words that now escape me and feasts that I've tasted.
From my own deep well I draw upon people I've parted ways with and tears like medicine.
I draw upon friends that still know me and laughter to feel sane again.
From my own deep well I draw upon mystery to confuse me and elusive beauty.
From a deep well I draw upon eternity inside my soul.
I draw upon peace like a river and wait for God to make me whole.
...ramble on...
This is a fantastic description of how to look for the inspiration and motivation that people are always looking for! I'm so moved by your writing. It seems to spell it out perfectly for me! Thank you!